
Next Generation Opera Cloud

Property Management System


Hotels around the world are moving to Opera Cloud! Usher in new innovation with the latest cloud technology brought to you by Oracle Opera Cloud, integrating the latest technology guaranteed to enhance, streamline and strengthen both hotel operations and your guest experience


The most advanced hotel technology

Your hotels future is here today. The leading hotel technology solution, Opera Cloud has opened its property management system for properties of all shapes, styles and sizes from small family run BnB’s to 1000+ key full service properties. Making software easier to manage all while highly secure, allows your team to focus on your core business and hospitality tasks, not software management.

Anywhere, any device, any time

  • Improve and earn guest loyalty with flawless real time communications
  • Mobile enabled – provision your entire team with mobile applications available on any device, anywhere at any time
  • Create efficiencies and streamlined operations – reduce check-in/out times, input guest requests, expedite interdepartmental communications, decrease sales consultations
  • Access improved analytical insights with real time shared data.

    Functionality and integration

    • Opera Cloud simplifies IT and centralises data – connect all departments in real time
    • Open architecture, built in integrations and over 3000+ APIs – accelerate innovation and redefine your guest experience
    • Integrating Opera Cloud Sales and Events and Oracle Micros Simphony to super charge your guest experience and profit maximisation 
    • Hosting of own security cloud infrastructure offering an advanced and secure system

      Why Nutech?

      ✔️ Over 20 years of experience in Hospitality IT            support and integration within PMS and POS          systems in Australia

      ✔️ Trusted level of local service                                     (Melbourne based!)

      ✔️ Cost effective solution – discounted rate 

      ✔️ Offers installation, product training, upgrades,        report and function configuration and                    ongoing service


      ✔️ Flexible non contracted support packages by        the hour 10hr, 20hr packages

      ✔️ No more paying for costly annual contracts          and unused support hours

      ✔️ Generous roll over of unused support hours

      ✔️ Efficient support turnaround through our                team of local domestic engineers

      ✔️ Mobile video support where required


      Social media management service

      Immediate, ongoing savings

      We understand that the current market is unstable; enjoy immediate efficiencies and economic savings with Opera Cloud PMS. 

      Alleviate capital outlay and ongoing costs with the removal of hardware database, application and back up servers, IT equipment, IT support services along with slow hindering upgrades and virus security.

      Cloud based PMS service removes all on premise responsibility, forever.

      Ready to discuss Opera Cloud PMS integration for your hotel?


      Let’s start the conversation today!

      Tell us about your business and its current challenges. Let us discuss how Opera Cloud will technologically advance your business

      We are in Australia

      Nutech Networks 

      132 Johnston St
      Fitzroy 3065, VIC

      Call Us